Friday, March 25, 2022

Is Not A Valid Selector

I see support for wildcards in attribute queries but not for the elements themselves. The XML document I'm trying to parse is basically a flat list of properties and I need to find elements that have certain strings in their names. It selects similar type of class name or attribute and use CSS property. QuerySelectorAll is a method of document and Element which lets you search for elements with valid CSS selectors. QuerySelector is also available if you would only want the first result.

is not a valid selector - I see support for wildcards in attribute queries but not for the elements themselves

The querySelectorAll() method returns all elements in the document that matches a specified CSS selector, as a static NodeList object. Definition and Usage The querySelectorAll () method returns all elements in the document that matches a specified CSS selector , as a static NodeList object. The NodeList object represents a collection of nodes.

is not a valid selector - The XML document Im trying to parse is basically a flat list of properties and I need to find elements that have certain strings in their names

How to exclude specific class names in querySelectorAll()? Any changes made to the document after the querySelectorAll is used will not be reflected in the list of nodes returned. Hence elToStyle [elToStyle.length - 1] would still point to the node that was removed. In CSS, when multiple elements have the same style rules applied to them at the same time, we often end up writing a long list of selectors separated by commas. An element interface method that enables us to search and return the first element within the document. It finds that element that matches with any of the specified CSS selectors or group of selectors.

is not a valid selector - It selects similar type of class name or attribute and use CSS property

However, if no matching element is found, it returns null. The querySelector () method is the method of the Document interface only. A document interface is an interface that describes the common methods as well as the properties for any html, XML, or any other kind of document. Document.querySelector() is null error, document.querySelector() behaves similarly to the jQuery..ready() method.

is not a valid selector - QuerySelectorAll is a method of document and Element which lets you search for elements with valid CSS selectors

When the DOM is ready, the selector returns the object. For some reason document.querySelector is returning null for both class and id selectors. Not sure if this doesn't work with polymer (no reason it shouldn't) or I haven't imported something or what else is wrong. All levels of CSS — level 1, level 2, and any future levels — use the same core syntax. This allows UAs to parse style sheets written in levels of CSS that did not exist at the time the UAs were created. Designers can use this feature to create style sheets that work with older user agents, while also exercising the possibilities of the latest levels of CSS.

is not a valid selector - QuerySelector is also available if you would only want the first result

The querySelectorAll() method returns a static NodeList of elements that match the CSS selector. If no element matches, it returns an empty NodeList. An Element object representing the first element in the document that matches the specified set of CSS selectors, or null is returned if there are no matches.

is not a valid selector - The querySelectorAll method returns all elements in the document that matches a specified CSS selector

XPath was coinceived to reference nodes within an XML document. It can also be used to reference HTML elements, just like CSS. Document.querySelector, Most of the time, I prefer document.querySelector and document.querySelectorAll combined with ES6 spread to get array e.g [document. The call to elem.querySelector returns the first element for the given CSS selector. In other words, the result is the same as elem.querySelectorAll , but the latter is looking for all elements and picking one, while elem.querySelector just looks for one.

is not a valid selector - Definition and Usage The querySelectorAll  method returns all elements in the document that matches a specified CSS selector

The Document method querySelector()returns the first Element within the document that matches the specified selector, or group of selectors. A CSS reset refers to loading a set of style rules prior to any other styles in order to clear the browser's inbuilt styles. CSS resets are usually placed at the top or start of the CSS stylesheet so that they load first. Developers often use them to remove the default stylings given by the browser to several elements initially, before they start actually styling their elements and websites. CSS resets can also help remove inconsistencies between different browsers.

is not a valid selector - The NodeList object represents a collection of nodes

I see support for wildcards in attribute queries Is there a way to do a wildcard element name match using querySelector or querySelectorAll? The XML document I'm trying to parse is basically a flat list of properties and I need to find elements that have certain strings in their names. The querySelector () method of JavaScript is used for selecting only the first element from the code. But what in case we want to retain more than one CSS selector value from the code.

is not a valid selector

So, for such a case, we use another method of the Document interface, which is known as the querySelectorAll () method. The querySelectorAll () method is a method that is used to return all the matching values of the specified CSS selector or group of a CSS selector. When a style sheet is embedded in another document, such as in the STYLE element or "style" attribute of HTML, the style sheet shares the character encoding of the whole document. A CSS style sheet is a sequence of characters from the Universal Character Set (see ). For transmission and storage, these characters must be encoded by a character encoding that supports the set of characters available in US-ASCII (e.g., UTF-8, ISO 8859-x, SHIFT JIS, etc.).

is not a valid selector - Any changes made to the document after the querySelectorAll is used will not be reflected in the list of nodes returned

For a good introduction to character sets and character encodings, please consult the HTML 4 specification (, chapter 5). See also the XML 1.0 specification (, sections 2.2 and 4.3.3, and Appendix F). The format of an RGB value in hexadecimal notation is a '#' immediately followed by either three or six hexadecimal characters.

is not a valid selector - Hence elToStyle elToStyle

The three-digit RGB notation (#rgb) is converted into six-digit form (#rrggbb) by replicating digits, not by adding zeros. This ensures that white (#ffffff) can be specified with the short notation (#fff) and removes any dependencies on the color depth of the display. See "Nested counters and scope"in the chapter on generated content for how user agents must determine the value or values of the counter. See the definition of counter values of the 'content' property for how it must convert these values to a string. At the lexical level, CSS style sheets consist of a sequence of tokens. The definitions use Lex-style regular expressions.

is not a valid selector - In CSS

As in Lex, in case of multiple matches, the longest match determines the token. The syntax of the specified selectors is invalid. If the specified selector matches an ID that is incorrectly used more than once. Selectors A DOMString containing one or more selectors to match. This string must be a valid CSS selector string; if it isn't, a SyntaxError exception is thrown.

is not a valid selector - An element interface method that enables us to search and return the first element within the document

See Locating DOM elements using selectors for more about selectors and how to manage them. CSS resets are temporary stylings, that would change later on in the styling process. CSS is generally considered to be non-forgiving with regard to selector lists. If a browser does not recognize just one selector in a list, the entire list of selectors will be considered invalid and their styling will not be applied.

is not a valid selector - It finds that element that matches with any of the specified CSS selectors or group of selectors

With Playwright, multiple selectors of different types can be combined to reference elements relative to other elements. Originally used to target HTML elements for applying CSS rules, CSS selectors are the go-to for referencing web UI elements across automation tools. Powerful and flexible, they should enable you to reference most, if not all, elements on the page.

is not a valid selector - However

If there is a syntax error, it will return a syntax error exception that the specified selector's string is not valid. Conforming user agents must correctly map to ISO all characters in any character encodings that they recognize . A style sheet may have to refer to characters that cannot be represented in the current character encoding. These characters must be written as escaped references to ISO characters. These escapes serve the same purpose as numeric character references in HTML or XML documents (see , chapters 5 and 25). Conforming user agents may limit their color-displaying efforts to performing a gamma-correction on them.

is not a valid selector - The querySelector  method is the method of the Document interface only

SRGB specifies a display gamma of 2.2 under specified viewing conditions. User agents should adjust the colors given in CSS such that, in combination with an output device's "natural" display gamma, an effective display gamma of 2.2 is produced. Note that only colors specified in CSS are affected; e.g., images are expected to carry their own color information.

is not a valid selector - A document interface is an interface that describes the common methods as well as the properties for any html

Second, it cancels the meaning of special CSS characters. Any character can be escaped with a backslash to remove its special meaning. For example, "\"" is a string consisting of one double quote. Style sheet preprocessors must not remove these backslashes from a style sheet since that would change the style sheet's meaning. Appendix G describes a more restrictive grammar that is closer to the CSS level 2 language. The querySelector() is a method of the Element interface.

is not a valid selector - Document

The querySelector() method allows you to select the first element that matches one or more CSS selectors. If you need a list of all elements matching the specified selectors, you should use querySelectorAll() instead. The new style does not get applied due to the complexity of its selection in the CSS reset. The selector in the reset has a higher order of specificity than the selector used later in the code to target just the footer anchor tags, so the gray color style is not applied. When the browser gets to the code snippet, the code directs the browser to look for header, main, and footer selectors and target all the anchor tags in those selectors.

is not a valid selector - When the DOM is ready

Then, when a user hovers over any of those anchor tags, the browser should apply the specified styles . With Puppeteer and Playwright, as well as with most other UI automation tools, elements on the UI are referenced through element selectors. So, the querySelector () method now moves to the code for traversing it using the Depth-first pre-order method and returns the first element selector as it finds it.

is not a valid selector - For some reason document

We know that there are different types of searches that can be used for searching elements. However, the querySelector () method uses depth-first pre-order traversal of the nodes of the document. In it, the traversal starts with the first element in the document's markup and then traverse through the sequential nodes by order of the number of child nodes.

is not a valid selector - Not sure if this doesn

I want to have ability to write anything to variable "text" and I want the code to alert "failed" when it is not valid selector. Without that error, no matter what variable "text" contains. Honestly just being able to style links that wrap images would be a godsend; so many sites I build have these overly fancy link styles that fall apart when the content is an inline image. I've had to write various fixes that patch the markup or require some wrapper class to let me target the links that are intended to be sans-frills clickable images. Parentheses (""), brackets (""), braces (""), single quotes ('), and double quotes (") must come in matching pairs, and semicolons not in strings must be escaped.

is not a valid selector - All levels of CSS  level 1

Inside the quotes, characters are parsed as a string. A blockstarts with a left curly brace () and ends with the matching right curly brace (). In between there may be any tokens, except that parentheses (), brackets (), and braces () must always occur in matching pairs and may be nested. Single (') and double quotes (") must also occur in matching pairs, and characters between them are parsed as a string. See Tokenization above for the definition of a string.

is not a valid selector - This allows UAs to parse style sheets written in levels of CSS that did not exist at the time the UAs were created

The token S in the grammar above stands for white space. Only the characters "space" (U+0020), "tab" (U+0009), "line feed" (U+000A), "carriage return" (U+000D), and "form feed" (U+000C) can occur in white space. Other space-like characters, such as "em-space" (U+2003) and "ideographic space" (U+3000), are never part of white space. Im trying to write a program that takes a string as an input, and returns any characters in the string which occur more than once, along with how frequently they occur. What I havent been able to figure out is finding a way to get the program to return "No duplicates found" for strings with no repeating characters. While I couldn't figure out why it was happening, when I was researching it looks like the opacity was set to 0 so all the content was just white.

is not a valid selector - Designers can use this feature to create style sheets that work with older user agents

Under networks, it shows that the searched information was queried properly. Like webbi87, the shortcode was working for me until recently. I think the newest version 5.4.5 broke it for me. The querySelectorAll() finds all elements that match a CSS selector or a group of CSS selectors. The querySelector() finds the first element that matches a CSS selector or a group of CSS selectors.

is not a valid selector - The querySelectorAll method returns a static NodeList of elements that match the CSS selector

The selector list will match any element with one of the selectors in the group. In this syntax, the selector is a CSS selector or a group of CSS selectors to match the descendant elements of the parentNode. Currently, it selects elements which has class p-disabled and has not the attribute hidden. I think the function shouldn't select elements with class p-disabled or attribute hidden.

is not a valid selector - If no element matches

However, querySelector() and querySelectorAll() fail on some of these totally valid selectors. Other times, like with curly brackets (), they throw errors. If the specified selector matches an ID that is incorrectly used more than once in the document, the first element with that ID is returned. This pseudo-class function gives us the luxury of writing a long selector list in such a way that is shorter and more readily understandable. The Playwright Inspector's Explore feature can be used to select elements in the browser and generate selectors.

is not a valid selector - An Element object representing the first element in the document that matches the specified set of CSS selectors

This guide aims to get new users started with selectors, and to serve a refresher for more experienced automators. Even though some content will be specific to Puppeteer and Playwright, most principles will apply to most, if not all, UI automation tools. It is very easy to choose a valid class name or selectors in CSS just follow the rule. Also, in case the specified CSS selectors have CSS pseudo-element, it will return an empty list. If the matching list or selector is found, it will return the specified value of those.

is not a valid selector - XPath was coinceived to reference nodes within an XML document

Else it will return an empty nodeList if no match is found. In the syntax, it contains selectors as an argument which holds one or more selectors with which we may match the values. By default, document IDs generated by Firestore can contain letters and numbers. This is why you only see the selector failing occasionally.

is not a valid selector - It can also be used to reference HTML elements

I creating an expense tracker app, and I have the user's expense record stored in a table by date, title, amount, and an empty column for an 'x' button to delete that row's expense document. When the user clicks the 'x' button it deletes the document from firestore and removes its data from the row. I have been able to locate the issue to my appearance cell for a 'select_one' question type as the error only occurs if I have selected the 'autocomplete' appearance.

is not a valid selector - Document

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Volume Of Cap Of Sphere Calculator

Calculating volume and surface area of sphere play an important role in mathematics and real life as well. Formulas for volume & surface area of sphere can be used to explore many other formulas and mathematical equations. In geometry, a spherical cap or spherical dome is a portion of a sphere or of a ball cut off by a plane. It is also a spherical segment of one base, i.e., bounded by a single plane. If the plane passes through the center of the sphere, so that the height of the cap is equal to the radius of the sphere, the spherical cap is called a hemisphere. Volume is the quantification of the three-dimensional space a substance occupies.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Calculating volume and surface area of sphere play an important role in mathematics and real life as well

The SI unit for volume is the cubic meter, or m3. By convention, the volume of a container is typically its capacity, and how much fluid it is able to hold, rather than the amount of space that the actual container displaces. Volumes of many shapes can be calculated by using well-defined formulas. In some cases, more complicated shapes can be broken down into simpler aggregate shapes, and the sum of their volumes is used to determine total volume. The volumes of other even more complicated shapes can be calculated using integral calculus if a formula exists for the shape's boundary. Beyond this, shapes that cannot be described by known equations can be estimated using mathematical methods, such as the finite element method.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Formulas for volume  surface area of sphere can be used to explore many other formulas and mathematical equations

Alternatively, if the density of a substance is known, and is uniform, the volume can be calculated using its weight. This calculator computes volumes for some of the most common simple shapes. A spherical segment or a spherical layer is a three-dimensional geometrical object defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of two parallel planes. The top and bottom planes, where intersecting the sphere, create two circles with radii b and a respectively, which serve as top and bottom bases of the segment. The height of the segment is the distance between the bases. The surface of the spherical segment is called spherical zone .

volume of cap of sphere calculator - In geometry

This function calculates the volume and surface area of a spherical cap. A spherical cap or spherical dome is a portion of a sphere cut off by a plane. A spherical cap segment is the solid defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of parallel planes . It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it corresponds to a spherical frustum .

volume of cap of sphere calculator - It is also a spherical segment of one base

Online calculator to calculate the volume of geometric solids including a capsule, cone, frustum, cube, cylinder, hemisphere, pyramid, rectangular prism, sphere and spherical cap. If you ever wondered what's the volume of the Earth, soccer ball or a helium balloon, our sphere volume calculator is here for you. It can help to calculate the volume of the sphere, given the radius or the circumference.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - If the plane passes through the center of the sphere

Also, thanks to this calculator you can determine the spherical cap volume or hemisphere volume. A spherical cap is the region of a sphere which lies above a given plane. If the planepasses through the center of the sphere, the cap is a called a hemisphere, and if the cap is cut by a second plane, the spherical frustum is called a spherical segment. However, Harris and Stocker use the term "spherical segment" as a synonym for what is here called a spherical cap and "zone" for spherical segment. Two online calculators to calculate the volume, surface area and height of a sphrical cup are presented.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Volume is the quantification of the three-dimensional space a substance occupies

The calculators also computes the ratios of the volumes and ares of the cap and the sphere from which the cap is cut. Surface to Volume Ratio is denoted by RAV symbol. A set of points in a space equally distanced from a given point $O$ is a sphere. The point $O$ is called the center of the sphere. The distance from the center of a sphere to any point on the sphere is called the radius of this sphere.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - The SI unit for volume is the cubic meter

A radius of a sphere must be a positive real number. The segment connecting two points on the sphere and passing through the center is called a diameter of the sphere. All radii of the sphere are congruent to each other. A sphere can be obtained by rotating a semicircle about the diameter. Two spheres of the same radius are congruent.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - By convention

1 - Enter the radius \( R \) of the sphere from which the spherical cap is cut and the height \( h \) as positive real numbers, with \( R \ge h \) and press "calculate". A spherical segment is the solid defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of parallel planes. It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated, and so it corresponds to a spherical frustum. All dome structures described by this calculator are a segment or "cap" of a sphere as defined by the dome's diameter and height. The radius of curvature is the calculated radius of the whole sphere of which the dome is a portion. For any other value for the length of the radius of a sphere, just supply a positive real number and click on the GENERATE WORK button.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Volumes of many shapes can be calculated by using well-defined formulas

They can use these methods in order to determine the surface area and volume of parts of a sphere. Spherical segment is a solid bounded by two parallel planes through a sphere. In terms of spherical zone, spherical segment is a solid bounded by a zone and the planes of a zone's bases. Given a sphere with a diameter of 173' and a sphere cap with a base diameter of 86.5'. I have a scale drawing showing a distance "h" of approximately 11.5'.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - In some cases

I have two excel formulas for calculating "h", the distance from the center of the chord to the center of the arc. Neither formula produces a result that agrees with the scale drawing. One result is 5.9' and one is 7.8'. Any sample formula suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The overall diameter of the structure.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - The volumes of other even more complicated shapes can be calculated using integral calculus if a formula exists for the shape

The calculator applies the diameter to the floor, stem wall, and base of the spherical dome. A single diameter input is useful for quick estimates, but when calculating a specific design that may have a different diameter for the stem wall, you should run two separate calculations. A level input measures a slice of the structure. For example, it can calculate the area of a second floor, show headroom around the dome perimeter, or calculate the volume and surface area of a portion of the dome. Spherical cap The spherical cap has a base radius of 8 cm and a height of 5 cm.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Beyond this

Calculate the radius of a sphere of which this spherical cap is cut. To calculate Surface to volume ratio of Spherical Sector given sphere cap radius, you need Height & Radius . With our tool, you need to enter the respective value for Height & Radius and hit the calculate button. You can also select the units for Input and the Output as well.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Alternatively

A spherical cap is the region of a sphere that lies above a given plane. If the plane passes through the center of the sphere, the cap is called a hemisphere. The spherical segment of one base is also called spherical cap and the two bases is also called spherical frustum.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - This calculator computes volumes for some of the most common simple shapes

The bases of a spherical segment are the sections made by the parallel planes. The radii of the lower and upper sections are denoted by a and b, respectively. If either a or b is zero, the segment is of one base.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - A spherical segment or a spherical layer is a three-dimensional geometrical object defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of two parallel planes

If both a and b are zero, the solid is the whole sphere. Spherical cap Place a part of the sphere on a 4.6 cm cylinder so that the surface of this section is 20 cm². Determine the radius r of the sphere from which the spherical cap was cut.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - The top and bottom planes

This concept can be of significance in geometry, to find the volume & surface area of sphere and its parts. Real life problems on volume & surface area of sphere are very common, so this concept can be of great importance of solving problems. Spherical cap Wikipedia.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - The height of the segment is the distance between the bases

Volume Cap Of Sphere The sphere is perfectly symmetrical, and has the smallest ratio of surface area to volume of any three-dimensional shape. In other words, for any given volume, the smallest surface area able to completely enclose that volume is a sphere. For this reason the sphere is …, The sphere is perfectly symmetrical, and has the smallest ratio of surface area to volume of any three-dimensional shape. For this reason the sphere is …. If one of the parallel planes is tangent to the sphere, the solid thus formed is a spherical segment of one base. The density of a sphere is defined as the total mass per unit of volume of a spherical object.

Volume Cap Of Sphere

Just work with a circle. Draw the radius, say a vertical line. Draw the chord, say a horizontal line so that it intersects the vertical radius. Next, draw the radius to the tip of the chord. What kind of triangle does the chord, the vertical line and the radius to the tip of the chord form? From this you can calculate the distance from the center to the intersection of the vertical radius and the chord.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - This function calculates the volume and surface area of a spherical cap

From that you can get the distance from chord to the top of the arc. The level surface distance is the overall surface distance from the dome apex to the imaginary slice at the specified level. It will correctly follow the dome and even down the stem wall. The stem wall height describes a cylinder's height with the floor diameter and the stem wall height. It connects the floor to the dome base.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - A spherical cap or spherical dome is a portion of a sphere cut off by a plane

Leave the stem wall height set to zero to remove the stem wall. The floor circumference is the distance around the circle-shaped floor, stem wall, and dome base. The height of the stem wall extends vertically from the circular floor to the base of the dome.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - A spherical cap segment is the solid defined by cutting a sphere with a pair of parallel planes

The stem wall height is optional by leaving the height set to zero . Sphere surface area & volume calculator uses radius length of a sphere, and calculates the surface area and volume of the sphere. Sphere calculator is an online Geometry tool requires radius length of a sphere. Using this calculator, we will understand methods of how to find the surface area and volume of the sphere. The total space occupied by a section of the sphere is called the volume of a section of a sphere. A section of a sphere is a portion of a sphere.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - It can be thought of as a spherical cap with the top truncated

The volume of a section of a sphere is expressed in square units. A spherical cap is defined as as a portion of the sphere cut by a plane. Calculations at a spherical cap . A spherical cap ist an evenly cut off part of a sphere. The remaining part is also a spherical cap.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Online calculator to calculate the volume of geometric solids including a capsule

The calotte is the curved part of the cap. Enter radius of the sphere and height of the spherical cap and choose the number of decimal places. The spherical cap volume appears, as well as the radius of the sphere.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - If you ever wondered what

They are equal to 287 cu in and 4.2 in for our example. There's the trivial observation that a maximal packing of balls of radius $\alpha/2$ gives a covering of radius $\alpha$. Thus, an upper bound on the maximal number of disjoint balls of radius $\alpha/2$ gives an upper bound on the number of balls of radius $\alpha$ needed to cover. There is the trivial upper bound on the number of spheres of radius $\alpha/2$ by taking the ratio of volumes, but this can be improved using Boroczky's packing estimate.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - It can help to calculate the volume of the sphere

The MDI Spherical Dome Calculator helps calculate common design elements of a partial sphere set on an optional stem wall. It helps with quick design ideas as well as provides accurate measurements when finalizing structural elements. Outputs include circumference, surface area, volume, and distances along and around the building's various details. Many sports that are played with the help of the ball require studying the sphere, as well as its properties.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Also

For example, in football, the surface area and volume of a ball is of extreme importance. Different volumes and surface areas of a ball can affect to speed of the kick, trajectory of the ball and its swing in the air. Apart from football, the surface area and volume of a sphere is important in many other sports as well.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - A spherical cap is the region of a sphere which lies above a given plane

Tennis, handball, baseball, golf, basketball all these sports are revolving around the spherical balls. Any cross section of a sphere by a plane is a circle. The circle obtained as a cross section of the sphere and plane through the center of the sphere is called a great circle. Any plane that passes through the center $O$ of a sphere divides it into two congruent parts well-known as hemispheres. As we learned in the previous section, the volume of the spherical segment is (1/6)πh(3R12 + 3R22 + h2).

volume of cap of sphere calculator - If the planepasses through the center of the sphere

Thus, we follow the steps shown below to find the volume of the spherical segment. As we learned in the previous section, the volume of the spherical cap is (1/3)πh2(3R - h) or (1/6)πh(3a2 + h2). Thus, we follow the steps shown below to find the volume of the spherical cap. In this section, we will discuss the volume of a section of a sphere along with solved examples. Let us start with the pre-required knowledge to understand the topic, volume of a section of a sphere. The volume of a three-dimensional object is defined as the space occupied by the object in a three-dimensional space.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - However

Calculates the volume and surface area of a partial sphere given the radius and height. To calculate the volume of the full sphere, use the basic calculator. Enter the radius 4.2 in. Appear in the formula.

volume of cap of sphere calculator - Two online calculators to calculate the volume

Is Not A Valid Selector

I see support for wildcards in attribute queries but not for the elements themselves. The XML document I'm trying to parse is basically ...